July 2, 2018 Posted by admin Elevator Interior Blog
Steel prices have been on the rise this year. With new tariffs in place on imported steel and aluminum, price increases can be seen throughout industries which use these products. You may ask how is this going to effect the Elevator Interior Renovation Industry? Unfortunately, the rising cost of metal products will be reflected in pricing throughout the elevator interior renovation industry. Many finishes inside elevator cab interiors contain metal. Elevator car fronts, doors, ceilings and handrails are almost exclusively made from stainless steel or bronze. Elevator interior wall panels are often made from Architectural Metals. The installation of metal finishes inside elevator cab interiors serves two purposes. Metal finishes provide elevator cabs with an appealing look as well as protection from dents, dings and scratching. Due to the popularity and functionality of metals inside elevator cabs it can be a hard option to steer away from. Lucky there are other options to consider if you are in the market for an elevator interior renovation.
If your considering having your elevator cab interiors renovated, please do not be discouraged due to the rising cost of metal. If you currently have metal finishes inside your elevator cab interior, consider having them refinished. Chesapeake Elevator Interiors, Inc. offers metal refinishing and is often and excellent way to give a fresh look to your elevator interior. Existing metal can often be re-grained and polished to help reveal the original look of your metal. We also offer many alternative finishes that can be applied to your elevator cab interiors that will still catch the eye of its passengers. Plastic laminate is offered in thousands of different types of finishes and textures. Laminates can be applied to many different surfaces such as elevator doors and ceilings. Choosing a plastic laminate finish for your cab interior may be the cost effective solution for your company. Please feel free to check out our list of laminate vendors and what they offer by following the link to our Design Page. https://ceii-cab.com/design/